
Jump! (for my love)

From East London I continued my journey along the coast through the Wild Coast and Garden Route. My one stop before Cape Town was a village of a community called Storms River. My intentions were to experience the serene mountain range of the Tsitsikamma, with it's incredible light and quite hum of nature. Also to jump off a bridge.

Storms River is home to the highest Bungee Jump in the world (216m , 709 ft) above a profound gorge developed by the Bloukrans River. I stayed in completely deserted bungalow located right next to the jump. Due to the low winter season I felt a bit of post-apocalyptic vibe the whole time considering the size of the chalet and being alone. Just another pleasure of traveling solo I guess.

Later within the day of my arrival I walked to main office to settle my lodging and came across a group of powder dusted smiles. It was a group of the bungee technicians covered in latex powder due to the giant strips being assembled for a new jump cord. A friendly group of guys, they especially made a point (all of them) to mention it was the same exact material used to condom production. My chuckles had them chuffed with the comical science before us.

I made my way over the registration booth. Handed over my cash-card and was weighed. I was outfitted in a full body harness. Our bungee guide was a riot, obviously a seasoned veteran of the Bloukrans jump. After the standard question of "How times have you jumped?" was asked, he didn't even look up but just smiled a toothy grin and shrugged his shoulders humming a noise sounding like 'Who knows.'

The whole experience of out of body. I am terrible with heights, despite my attempts at rock climbing I still get sowing machine legs at a little elevation above the ground. But this time around I was somewhere else the entire time. Just sort of floating away instead of letting the elements of the bungee preparation freak me out. Eventually it hit, right about when my toes curled over the edge of the concrete ledge.

I'm like so stoked. All the Bungee guys were real nice and incredibly laid back.

I was so happy to find out that you could jump without shoes! Totally added to the terror.

C'mere oblivion, I just want to jump into you. This is the part where my head came back into my body and I was all like, "What am I doing?"

The jump was fantastic. Felt like forever. I typically forget to scream and this was no different, on the re-bounce I decided to let out some real lung bursts. I'd totally do it again, maybe even naked. Upon returning home I can share the video of it. Great highlight of the journey for sure. It made space for great self portraits.

Okay Geographers, next installment: Cape Town Highs, Cape Town Blues, Cape Town Life


Anonymous said...

You are crazy!! Thats awesome...

zollnerm said...

My heart skipped a beat scrolling down to the picture where you jumped. I hope your Mom was not alone when checking these pictures out.

Anonymous said...

:) rock on christian. hot damn, i woulda peed myself. your shorts looked pretty dry, well done.