
then add a 1 teaspoon of fear (just a pinch will do)

My last (short) entry about fear. The symbolic triumph of the Euro overcoming the American dollar at $ 1.50 to €1 was only a few months ago. The market today has shown another slip downwards as the dollar is now at $ 1.52.

And I'm leaving in 10 days.

I'm freaking terrified.

Life is pretty damn exciting.
Photo © David Shrigley

1 comment:

Elisa said...

I will be praying for you and hope that your adventure is full of arrival at the places you are called to be with the Lord in.

"Adventure is to move into the unknown, an exciting enterprise, a bold undertaking with an uncertain outcome, a remarkable occurrence in one's personal history...it comes from the Latin root meaning 'to arrive'." -Tim Hansel