
I´ll explain later

Hey everyone! Life is so beautiful, but the internet in Spain is too much money! So I can´t just write anything about my week, but I put various pictures on the flickr. So click the slide show and it´ll take you there! Bale!


Unknown said...

Where's Chelsea?

giggles said...

CHristian oh Christian! HEather and I are glad to see your jumping shot. YOu best be performing our list of tasks. OR else you will not be allowed back in the Country!@#$#@!#1 So be wish you the best a luck. just one question. Would you like a date?????.....or an olive?

PS I made my parents crepes this morning and I still need some guidance from you.. But they still enjoyed them.

Christmas wishes...your former freinds...a I mean former frequently seen people, HEather and Emily CHOOS